I am spending more and more time working on myself these days - if you dont already know, I am taking a huge break fully away from social media. The longer I am away from it, the less I miss it. I am at a point now where I don't even think about it at all during the day. And if that sounds dramatic, it is. I can go on and on about how it's an actual addiction, but you already know that. And if you don't believe me, go ahead and delete it off your phone right now, I'll wait....
The last time I took a big break from Big Social (yeah, that's what I am calling it 😅) was a few years ago. Yes, it got real quiet. People who I thought I had a pretty good connection with completely disappeared out of my life, even though I put out alternate ways to contact me if they wanted. It wasn't until I got back on that i reconnected with some of them. It was just an interesting experiment at that point. I will say that I got soooo much done during that break. And that is exactly what I am finding again this time. I am super fucking productive, projects that have been put aside are back on the radar for getting done, I am finding time to meditate daily, read cards to start each day, I have 2 real books going, and I have real conversations NOT based on what Big Social wants me to focus on. Not only do I have so much more time on my hands each day, I also have regained my brain capacity to reflect inward vs. being bombarded with agenda after agenda after agenda. That is the biggest takeaway. In a relatively short time I have already started to regain true myself and who I am, and what I stand for and what I believe in and not what or who or how I "should" be...

Before you think I have completely unplugged and gone to go live off grid, I haven't. I am using my computer more than ever these days to build my business. I am building online programs and still moving to doing more online directed training. For me, the issue isn't the internet or devices or anything like that. Plus I actually freaking love my iphone! The bigger issue is how I choose to use technology and how it affects my life. Let me repeat that... HOW I CHOOSE, not how an algorithm chooses for me.
Moving onward, this is good place to start asking some questions.

What makes me feel most alive today? Name one way to do more of it.
Which part of myself (body, mind, heart, or spirit) is asking for attention right now?
What's one tiny step I can take to care for it? Picture my perfect energetic day.
What's one small change I could make tomorrow to get closer to that?
What's one thing that drains my energy? How might I look at it differently or let it go?
Who lights up my world with their energy? How can I bring a bit of their spark into my life?
Click for your FREE LIVING FULLY pdf download

I hope you enjoy this free download. I think it's time we start looking inward and doing the work we so desperately need in order to thrive and truly live fully ❤️
Let me know what you think, (ps. I think this is probably the actual start of the revolution... looking inward and embracing the stillness and silence, rather than scrolling on a screen)