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Simple, Not Easy, also not Messy and Complicated, but also Kinda Super Hard

Feb 23

4 min read




Plank on Kettlebells
Plank on Kettlebells

One of the things I have really been thinking about is how complicated we humans sometimes make things in order to make something better.

For me, the more complicated I make something the more it never seems to get done.

This applies to working out too. There are so many cool and exciting workouts out there, especially on the big socials. Trust me, I know! Doing one for fun here and there with a buddy can be great fun. However, having been a fitness professional for a decade, I can tell you right now most of those workouts do not have longevity in the overall plan. They are posted for entertainment value, and likes.

Yes, we want to be engaged and feel inspired to workout, but I think we need to start asking ourselves what is the actual intention of our training. Without the intention part, your physical fitness is probably either big social workout fads with no end game, or your planned workouts are regularly of such a low intensity that you are not getting anywhere longterm other than getting some "movement" in. And honestly, professionally, that is not enough for real (or any) change.

"Getting some movement in" is what your active recovery days should look like, NOT your actual workouts or training.

We need to buckle up and start doing some hard shit.

(This is the GenZ in me!)

Notice I did not say complicated shit. I said hard shit.

How do we make this happen?

We need to be intentional with how we show up.

Show up ready to go!

1) Dressing for success is a real thing.

For some people, what they wear to workout doesn't matter at all, for others it makes all the difference in the world. If you are in a bit of a slump, try wearing something intentional next time you train: sexy, badass, strong, empowered, femme, dark, spicy, whatever vibe you want to bring. Bring it!

Your vibe is probably more important than you think. Getting dressed intentionally is pretty simple. The feeling of intentionally showing up looking like a fly ass bitch might make all the difference.

And if you are the rare bird that can can absolutely bring it with your worn out pjs, a messy bun, and old mascara still clinging on from yesterday, fucking slay, my queen! SLAY 🔥

Either way, we need to show up for ourselves, rather than just making in in the door.

2) Intention to train with purpose.

What are your fitness goals? Have you spent some time writing them down?

No? Stop reading. Go do it now.

Yes? Read on...

WIth those 2 things in place all you need now is to get to work:

3) Find a 4-12 week training plan, program or challenge that has clear intention and one that fits your actual goals.

Ongoing workouts that just go on forever have no intention other than general fitness for everyone for every goal... and that doesn't actually work for anyone. Because the old saying if you try to serve everyone, you serve no one is 100% truth. Generalized workouts that try to serve everyone for every goal are the super popular with group fitness classes... and they usually follow the just get some movement in principle to make it suitable for everyone, which is the being all inclusive allure, and the never progressing stagnant trap.

One of the easiest ways to make your training intentional and goal centered and SIMPLE is to focus your training around one idea, one skill, one technique and add from there.

This is why some of my favorite workouts are:

  • 30 Minute OTM Training. You pick your poison, set the timer, and GO!

  • Challenges like the Squat Challenge. You have one focus!

  • Destination based training. Ex: training specifically for an intense hike, or vacation (like 35000 steps each day on your Disneyland trip 👀), or walking the hills in Italy or San Fran.

  • Activity or event based training. Training for mud races, competitions, etc.

  • Training for one super specific end goal. I did this when I was training for my SFG2 53lb press. (ps I got my press on both sides for multiple reps (and I got some sweet abs). I trained for a whole year with one singular goal in mind.

  • Tabatas. While these can be more complicated, they can also be straight to the fucking point. They are also only 20 minutes long from start to finish, extremely effective, higher intensity, no very little to no equipment, and easy to do at home, so they are on my favorites list. They are what you make of them. Do them with intention and they are golden.

One of the most fun bootcamps I did this past year was my 6 Weeks to Pushups Tabata Strength Challenge. Everyone in the group had one singular and specific goal - PUSHUPS. To either get their first real push-up (EVER!) and/or increase the amount they could do by the end of the 6 weeks. I ran that one last spring and it is one that everyone who participated still talks about how fun, AND HARD it was. Look for a repeat of it after the March 10,000 Swing Challenge! Anyways, the point is that it had one specific goal - it had intention. And it worked. And btw, it was hard AF! And simple!

So, to wrap it up... keep your training simple, not easy, also not messy and complicated, but also kinda super hard; stay away from the allure and the trap of "just getting some movement in" unless it's your active recovery day; set your goals (write those fuckers out); show the fuck up with intention.

Get ready to slay bells...


Feb 23

4 min read





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