My Reiki Origin Story

About 22 years ago we lived at 9000 ft alt in Bailey, Colorado, and I had just recently had my 3rd baby and I was in the middle of a health crisis. I was desperate for anything that would help. After months and months of intense stomach aches, puking, and other gut wrenching problems that would floor me (quite literally on the bathroom floor) for days at a time, I reached out to one of my husbands car friends who had recently started a new healing practice in Boulder Colorado, where we had moved from, about 2 hours away.

At this point I was already about 5 years in to using and studying herbal and plant medicine, I was already a certified aromatherapist using essential oils therapeutically (not internally 👀), already eating and preparing whole and organic foods from scratch for my family, buying and drinking raw goat and cow milk (illegally), and we were already pretty damn seasoned using natural medicine practices with our family as minor things popped up. By this point I had tried everything to help my gut issues that I had heard about and read about — This was WAY before doctor google was even a thing, there was no ‘just google it”. If you wanted info about anything, you read a book, or you found someone who knew more than you did about whatever it was you were trying to learn more about. You know, the stone age lol.

I tried going dairy-free + gluten-free WAY before that was even a thing, I tried increasing my gut microbiome WAY before that was a thing, I tried everything that would soothe my ‘stomach’ and benefit my gut health to no avail. Anyone remember Jordan Rubin? Way before he sold out 👀 I tried all of his shakes and supplements. Sally Fallon anyone? Yep I had the first edition of her cookbook (PS that rye bread recipe is pure garbage and wont make bread lol). I tried everything I could think of.

Anyway, back to the doctor. Eventually I made an appointment to go see Dr. D. His story? He was a world renowned cardiovascular surgeon who had recently left his field entirely to practice alternative medicine. When I asked him why he said he wasn’t actually helping anyone on that side of the health field, meaning AFTER the damage had already been done by people making poor health choices. Performing life saving surgeries on people and then see them smoking in the parking lot as they were recovering wasn’t his jam. Yikes. People are dumb.

My appointment was at his house in Boulder. He looked exactly how you think a heart surgeon would look. Rather plain, a little grey, soft spoken, and smart af. The office looked nothing like a traditional doctor’s office, which was refreshing. It looked very much like a mixture between a stoic old library from Dead Poets Society and a cozy down to earth metaphysical massage studio. It had so many books! SO many! I remember I pulled an oldie off the shelf that was about diagnosing illnesses by looking at the tongue. He thought that was a funny book for me to pick up and be so interested in. Pretty sure he called me a nerd. We went down the rabbit hole of answering a million health questions, both physical, and ‘spiritual’ (but not in a religious or dogmatic way), and later some diagnostic medical testing. We finally figured out the root of my issues. It was gallbladder/liver issues, not stomach/intestines, which was why nothing I was previously trying was working. I was treating the wrong ‘system’. Finally I was on a pathway to healing. The actual healing took a little while to happen because I was choosing not to have gallbladder surgery, (no regrets 22 years later!), and because I had been sick for so long by this point with several months of non-stop puking and what seemed like neverending pain.

In addition to changing my diet around to avoid the foods that were giving me trouble (looking at fucking YOU, olive oil!), and adding in some gallbladder and liver specific herbs and supplements, Dr. D suggested for me to try a few reiki treatments. My body was super run down by this point, and I pretty much jumped at the offer of reiki, not having any idea whatsoever I was saying yes too lol. And remember, there was no internet (or even cell phones 👀😂) and no amazon to get a book by the next day. So with blinders on, I gave reiki a try.

Unlike with my sound bath experience, nothing wild or crazy or remarkable happened, during or after my sessions. I DID however start to recover very quickly from that point on. That was very noticeable. I think I ended up doing 5 or 6 reiki sessions in total with him. I remember I found them to be extremely relaxing and grounding and an important part of my overall recovery back to a more healthy me, and I remember that I always looked forward to them. It was always a very positive experience.

Cho Ku Rei - The Power Symbol.

“Placing all the power of the universe here.”
Cho Ku Rei symbol embodies the concept of increasing and focusing energy.

By drawing or visualizing the symbol practitioners seek to infuse the divine power and intention for healing, protection, or any other desired outcome.

Back in Bailey, that same year, I somehow or another met a guy named Brian through another friend, named Tom. I was still on my healing journey at that time and I heard that Brian had some handmade “healing” jewelry, and oddly some handmade goatskin drums that he was going to give us 🤷‍♀️ I think my husband traded some automotive repair with him and we ended up with the drums… and I got a very cool healing wheel necklace. While picking the necklace out in the living room of his house, he started talking about how he was a healer and and energy worker and, you guessed it, reiki. And he was excited that I knew what it was! It turned out that he was a level 3 Reiki Master. So random and yet so awesome. We connected and I immediately started down the path of becoming Reiki level 1 certified. Together we worked our way through the book he gave me, he gave me my reiki attunements. I finished up and was ready for level 2. I was on my way…

And then he died. Yep, of brain cancer. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.

No closure happened. No healing happened. He was just gone. There was no moving forward with reiki for me at that point. Plus, I was honestly pretty salty that he couldn’t and/or wouldn’t heal himself. I know exactly how horribly immature and selfish that sounds now, but back then, I was kinda like, whelp, that (reiki) doesn’t work. I know better than that now, but at the time, I was angry that he just wasn’t there at all, and he wasn’t there to continue teaching me. I know, I am a complete selfish asshole. I 100% made it about myself. I have regrets on that for sure.

Over the years I continued to practice quietly on myself. But that was the extent of it. Other than the weird rock experience, but i don’t think that was purely reiki, in its true essence anyways. That is also another story for another time.

Fast forward 22 years, and here I am. Again, with reiki on my mind.

I have been thinking about it a lot since the beginning of the year. I waited to see if anyone came into my circle, like sometimes happens with me. And when nobody showed up, I decided to show up for myself and use the power of technology that I have on my side this time around. I researched. I found a reiki group online. I found a Reiki course to take, continuing along my original path. Bought some books. Loaded up some podcasts. And took a deep drive in. I took action.

As I restarted my path I immediately felt immense connection to reiki energy all over again.

It was right there where I left it. Bolder and wiser, like it had been brewing and bubbling, just waiting for me find it, perfectly aged. Like the best aged cheese or whiskey or wine.

For me, being reconnected to reiki has (re)opened up a whole new beautifully energetic world for me that I had almost forgotten about. ALMOST.

Today I am just grateful.
Grateful for the illness that originally brought me to reiki.
Grateful for Brian and realizing that I was probably the very last person he shared his gift of reiki with 😭😭😭

Stay Rooted✌🏼🌱


Quick 20 minute Kettlebell Flow


Meditation + Kettlebells + Jiu Jitsu + Sound Baths