Quick 20 minute Kettlebell Flow

Here is another quick TGU kettlebell flow.
(it’s down there I promise… to bypass the jibber jabber, just scroll down👇🏼)

The more I workout at home, the more I am realizing that 20 minutes is the sweet spot for me. I can easily find 20 minutes throughout my day no matter how busy I am to get at least 20 minutes dedicated to fitness. I want to set myself up for success each time I do something for my health. Whether it be working out, or nutrition, or a combo of both, I do not try to be an overachiever (anymore lol), right now, I am just trying to get it done.

I have workouted out nearly everyday for the past 8 years. Annnd I am a bit burnt out. The knee injury 6 weeks ago took me out almost completely. Feeling that burnout, I took a break, from everything. Diet, nutrition, exercise, rolling, it all came to a stop… And yeah, I immediately started to put the pounds back on. I knew it and honestly I was ok with it.

My day to day is consumed by the fitness industry in one way or another. It gets tedious. We unfortunately live in a society where health = thinness. You can say the words thick and strong and gains over and over again, but really, it’s all about the thinness.

Don’t believe me? Drop a few pounds and the compliments will flow like a river “you look great” “have you lost weight” ‘you look so fit” “so healthy”. Unfortunately this also applies if you are sick. People will marginalize the fact that you are unwell by telling you things like “Hey, at least you look good” 😫 BTW, cancer and debilitating illnesses “look great” on nobody. Weight Loss is not always an indicator of ‘health’.

Gain a few pounds, and it all stops.

People will actually look away and wonder why you have let yourself go. Not one person has said anything to me over the past few weeks. And yes, we are talking noticeable and rapid weight gain - `15 solid lbs. Not one single person has said “damn girl you are looking so thiccc” 😂 “those cheeseburgers are hitting you so nicely” 🤣 nope, not one thicc compliment 😅 Not that I care either way, but do not fool yourself into thinking we live anywhere other than a thin = health fitness realm. Being heavy most of my adult life, I can honestly tell you the only time I have ever gotten bombarded with compliments on my body (not that it’s anyone’s business) was when I lost nearly 50 lbs last summer. Yep, everyone had something to say about it.

Anyhooo. My little fitness break over the past few weeks was super nice and much needed. I let my body heal the way I thought it needed to. With rest. lots of good food. lots of meditation. lots of high vibrational energy. My knee has healed so much faster than I could have ever imagined. Could I have healed it this quickly while stressing out about weight gain and eating a pristine “clean” low calorie diet? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, I got a delicious mental and physical break. And I do not regret it one bit.

Now that my knee is better, it is time for me to jump back into it and figure out a good wellness routine moving forward. I can’t just jump back in where I left off, because I am starting from a new place. That would be disastrous and very frustrating.

So after deciding this is my week to restart, I spent the morning meal prepping for my whole week (yep, setting myself up for success!) I am really for some bells! (again, setting myself up for success!)

and this 20 minute flow is where it’s at…

TGU Kettlebell Flow

Set timer for 20 minutes and GO!
Rest as needed

  • Start the TGU in a standing position.

  • Step back into 1/2 kneeling and do 1 kneeling bent press

  • while still 1/2 kneeling do 1 kneeling windmill

  • go all the way to the floor and do 1 armbar

  • return to standing and switch sides

  • repeat for 20 minutes


If you, too, have stepped away from an exercise routine or nutrition plan, know that you can always restart.

It’s never too late. Its your journey. Take control of the wheel.

Stay rooted✌🏼🌱


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