
Last month I went to an magical soul filled sacred cacao ceremony facilitated by an amazing woman whom I had never met before, yet we both knew each other as our eyes meet for the first time when I walked through the door. This knowing has happened to me before, but not quite like this. We both knew each other, and that was rare. The floodgates of tears opened for me and never really stopped through the ceremony. I went into the ceremony raw. I had a lot of things happening around me with my personal relationships, my children, my work, my business direction, my sport, pretty much everything was fractured (or fracturing) in one way or another. My word for the ceremony was “broken”. It was the first word that came to me, so I went with it. Pondering it and digesting the night, I realize RAW would have been a better word for me to vocalize what I was feeling, not that it matters at this point… But raw is how I felt. Maybe the word raw was much to vulnerable for my soul to expose at the time, in a very emotionally heavy group of friends and strangers. Anyways, raw.

Earlier this week I heard someone saw that often times when we say the word broken in regards to what the heart is feeling, what we really mean is open, or opening, not breaking. I keep thinking of an egg. If we toss an egg up in the air and let it breaks on the kitchen floor, it is either going in the trash or into the dog food bowl. It is disregarded. However if we are making a delicious cake, we crack, or break, the egg open with the intention and purpose to get the goods out of the shell. The egg is broken in either scenario. What happens to the inside parts is purely determined by our intention. It can either be a mess and tossed into the garbage, or it can be beautiful and delicious. Maybe the heart opens/breaks the in the same way, with intention. Maybe this is also raw. So maybe open would have been a better word for my cacao ceremony…Perhaps raw and open. And yet perhaps broken was all encompassing and what i needed to speak in order for me to deeply reflect on all of this later.

Being a crunchy mama bear for over 3 decades, I have also been a consumer of cacao for just about as long, although not in a ceremonial or ritualistic way. I went into the cacao ceremony knowing exactly how cacao makes my physical body feel. Energized. Grounded. Alive. However when I opened my heart in the ceremony to the transformative experience, the Mayan history, the traditional plant medicine, the soul story, I knew I was never going to look back. I knew the journey and the path I was going to head down as I was sitting in that sweet safe space created by what I can only describe as my soul sister and mama cacao.

My own sacred cacao journey started right there and then, in that sacred space.

From the moment I signed up for the cacao ceremony, things fell right into place. Everything I did, everything I read, everything I learned, aligned with the ideas of sacred cacao and creating my own sacred space for women to gather, and finally some clarity on what I was going to do with all my business semi start up ideas over the past few years that have gone nowhere due to lack of direction and clarity.

Directly after the ceremony, I immediately started a deep dive into the world of cacao. Where to get it? How to facilitate? How is it sourced? What are other ways to use it? Can I use it medicinally daily? Every direction I turned, I turned towards cacao in some way or another on purpose or not. She was there, and I saw her. I ordered my own ceremonial cacao. and I started a simply magical cacao ceremony facilitator course 3 weeks ago that the universe itself 100% aligned me with.

This is the path. It is RAW. It is open. It is the journey to becoming.

It is the journey of The Cacao Crone.

The Sacred Cacao is flowing, drink it up ♥️🌱💫

Scared Cacao with rose petals

Sacred Cacaocita with rose petals


Rethinking Fitness


Bulgarian Lavender