Bulgarian Lavender

Bulgarian Lavender, Opening the Heart, and the Sacred Feminine

I just got a shipment of the most amazing Bulgarian Lavender Reserve essential oil, Lavandula angustifolia. It is has been carefully sourced directly from the fields of south Bulgaria. This unique lavender oil is known for its high quality and unparalleled sweet floral fragrance. It is perfect for relaxation and promoting a calm and peaceful atmosphere, and it is a symbol of grace, intuition, and nurturing sacred feminine energy.

Lavandula angustifolia, previously known as Lavandula officinalis or Lavandula vera and usually known as Common or English Lavender, is a member of the Lamiaceae (formally Labiatae) botanical family.  Native to the Mediterranean, it is a fragrant, flowering herb that depending on the variety, can have variable shades of white, pink, blue, or purple flowers. In Bulgarian folklore, lavender is revered for its medicinal properties and its ability to protect against negative energies. The plant was seen as a powerful ally in connecting with the divine feminine energy that flows through all living beings.

Lavender embodies qualities of strength, compassion, and wisdom. It reminds us of the importance of honoring our intuition and embracing our nurturing instincts. Just as lavender gently soothes the senses, the sacred feminine encourages us to find peace and balance within ourselves.

Allow its calming presence to remind you of the powerful and nurturing energy that resides within each of us.


Opening your heart with Bulgarian lavender is a soothing and gentle experience. The delicate scent of lavender wafts through the air, calming your senses and inviting you to release any tension or worries you may be holding on to. As the aromatic essence envelops you, a sense of tranquility washes over your being, allowing you to relax and open yourself up to the beauty of the present moment.

Bulgarian lavender, known for its high quality and therapeutic properties, has long been used to promote relaxation and emotional well-being. Its sweet and floral aroma is like a gentle caress for the soul, helping to quiet the mind and uplift the spirit. As you breathe in the fragrant essence, you feel a sense of peace and serenity fill your heart, creating space for love and compassion to blossom within you.

Bulgarian Lavender: Embracing Earth's Healing Touch

From calming frayed nerves to soothing aches and pains, Bulgarian lavender embodies nature's inherent ability to restore balance to both body and spirit.

When used as earth medicine, Bulgarian lavender essence becomes a balm for the weary soul, offering solace in moments of stress and turmoil, essential medicine for the Crone in all of us. Its subtle floral scent whispers of sunlit meadows and clear mountain air, transporting us to a place of peace and tranquility. As we inhale its fragrant bouquet or allow its oil to caress our skin, we invite the heart opening medicine and the grounding energy of the Earth to infuse our being with its healing touch.

In Bulgarian lavender, we find not just a plant, but a wise and ancient ally in our quest for holistic well-being. This beautiful Earth medicine reminds us to slow down, to breathe deeply, and to reconnect with the natural world that sustains us. Let Bulgarian lavender be your guide on a journey of divine self-discovery and renewal, as you embrace the restorative power of nature's healing embrace.

Look for upcoming products in our store that contain this beautiful lavender essential oil. The creatrix in me cannot wait to get something magical made for you to enjoy on your Wise Crone Journey 💫




Medicine of the Heart