Medicine of the Heart

I am headed in a new direction. I am answering the call. As I take off on this new path, I feel the need to lay down some foundational groundwork.

I am going to be talking a lot about medicine moving forward. But what is medicine?

As per usual, in a very westernized way, we have, of course, destroyed what true medicine is.

Traditional healing practices rooted in cultures around the world have been overshadowed by commercialized, mass-produced pharmaceuticals. As a result, ancient remedies and holistic approaches to health and well-being have been marginalized and, in some cases, lost altogether. The consequences of this shift are far-reaching, impacting not only the preservation of the indigenous knowledge of our ancestors, but also the availability of alternative treatments for modern ailments. We need to recognize the value of reclaiming and preserving these time-honored healing practices, seeking to bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and contemporary “healthcare”.

We need to get back to our roots.

Back 30 or so years for me. Back to the beginning, Back to my roots. Back to the earth. Back to goddess earth mother. Back to the plants. Back to the REAL medicine, Earth Medicine. Back to the medicine that heals.

What is Traditional Earth Based Medicine?

Traditional earth medicine, often referred to as traditional or indigenous medicine, encompasses a variety of healing practices and therapies that have been developed and passed down through generations within specific cultures and communities around the world. These practices are deeply rooted in the understanding of the natural world, and they often incorporate the use of natural ingredients such as plants, herbs, minerals, and animal products to address physical, mental, and spiritual ailments.

The principles of traditional earth medicine are often based on the belief that all elements of nature are interconnected, and that the well-being of an individual is closely tied to their relationship with the earth, the environment, and the spiritual realm. These healing traditions are typically guided by cultural knowledge, spiritual beliefs, and the wisdom of elders or traditional healers within the community.

Earth medicine can take various forms, including herbal remedies, holistic healing rituals, energy work, traditional ceremonies, and spiritual practices. These approaches are often tailored to each individual's specific needs and may address a wide range of conditions, from physical illnesses to emotional imbalances and spiritual disharmony.

It's important to recognize and respect the cultural and historical significance of traditional earth medicine within each community, and to approach these practices with openness, humility, and a willingness to learn from those who have inherited this knowledge.


This is important to consider while moving forward. Cultural appropriation is a complex and sensitive issue, especially when it comes to the use of earth medicines. Earth medicines, such as traditional plant-based remedies, play a significant role in many indigenous cultures around the world. These medicines are deeply intertwined with spiritual and cultural practices, and their use extends far beyond their physical healing properties.

When individuals from non-indigenous backgrounds appropriate these earth medicines without understanding or respecting their cultural significance, it can lead to exploitation and disrespect of indigenous communities. This is particularly troubling when these practices are commercialized without benefit to the originating cultures, perpetuating power imbalances and erasing the cultural context from which the earth medicines originate.

It is essential for those seeking to incorporate earth medicines into their wellness practices to approach them with the utmost respect and humility. This includes honoring their cultural origins, seeking permission and guidance from indigenous communities, and contributing to initiatives that support the preservation and empowerment of these cultures. This also includes giving back to these communities, as well as the importance of sourcing ingredients from fair trade and sustainable harvesting sources that can support a thriving future for traditional medicine people and their communities. This comes at a higher price, but it also helps traditional cultures, of which we are taking from, thrive.


cacao and the divine feminine

Cacao has long been associated with the divine feminine due to its rich history and symbolism in various cultures. The cacao plant, from which chocolate is derived, has been revered as a sacred and “food of the gods” in Mesoamerican cultures such as the Mayans and Aztecs.

The Mayans believed that cacao was a gift from the gods, particularly associated with the deity Ixcacao, the goddess of chocolate. Cacao was used in sacred rituals, and its consumption was reserved for royalty and elite priests. It was also believed to have aphrodisiac properties, further linking it to the divine feminine and fertility.

In modern times, cacao has experienced a resurgence as a ceremonial and healing plant closely linked to the divine feminine energy. Cacao ceremonies, often led by women, have gained popularity as a way to connect with one's inner self, promote self-love, and honor the nurturing and transformative qualities of the divine feminine.

The process of making and consuming cacao in a ceremonial setting is often seen as a way to honor and tap into the nurturing, intuitive, and resilient aspects of the divine feminine. Through rituals and mindfulness, participants seek to connect with the heart-centered qualities associated with the divine feminine energy.

Cacao's deep-rooted connection to the divine feminine underscores its significance as more than just a flavorful treat. It serves as a potent symbol of reverence, healing, and empowerment, embodying the enduring link between cacao and the divine feminine.

Putting it together…

Cacao Roses and the Divine Feminine

The intertwining symbolism of cacao and roses with the concept of the divine feminine is a multifaceted exploration of nature, nurture, and spiritual significance.


When cacao and roses are brought into alignment with the divine feminine, they serve as powerful archetypal medicine that invites us to explore inner landscapes, connect with the nurturing energies of the earth, and honor the cyclical nature of existence. This union of elements prompts a deep appreciation for the interwoven wildness of natural and spiritual forces, guiding one towards a more profound understanding of our own divine nature.

The potency of these earth medicines and their interconnectedness with the essence of the divine feminine is undeniable. We aim to facilitate a journey of self-discovery, reverence for nature, and the celebration of the divine within each individual.

Embracing The Divine Feminine as Medicine

The concept of the divine feminine as medicine is rooted in the belief that the feminine energy possesses nurturing, healing, and transformative qualities that can bring balance and harmony to individuals and the world. Embracing the divine feminine as medicine involves tapping into the intuitive, compassionate, and creative aspects of femininity to support personal and collective healing.

Incorporating the divine feminine as medicine into our lives can involve practices such as connecting with nature, honoring the cycles of the moon, joining sister circles, exploring embodiment through movement or dance, and cultivating self-care rituals that nourish the soul. By doing so, we can access a source of deep wisdom and inner strength that can guide us through life's challenges and empower ourselves to embody our truest selves.

Whether through the exploration of archetypal feminine energies, the celebration of women's stories and contributions, or the honoring of the sacred feminine in spirituality, the concept of the divine feminine as medicine invites us to recognize and integrate the profound healing potential of the feminine within ourselves and the world around us.


Bulgarian Lavender


Psst, have you heard the one about Earthing?