Ebbing and Flowing…. and Ikigai

Ebbing and Flowing, finding the rhythmic current and finding happiness in just riding out the waves, stop getting caught in the riptides, and finding my ikigai.

Life, rolling like a vast ocean, with its own natural rhythm, is a never ending current of change. At times, it surges forth with giant magnificent waves and exhilarating energy, while at others, it gracefully recedes, leaving behind gentle whispers in the sand and a glassy calm. This eternal dance of ebb and flow is a reflection of the ever-changing tides that shape our lives.

Lately I am finding a constant ebb and flow within pretty much everything I am doing.
Work. Jiu Jitsu. Family. Everything.

What is working?
What isn’t?
What do I want to be doing?
What don’t I want to be doing?
What do I love?
What do I want to change?
Is it sustainable?
Can I do it long term?
Is it providing financial freedom?
Is it boring and burdensome?
Am I creating financial freedom?
Can I buy one singular coffee for myself by the middle of the month?

I want endless opportunities. Endless abundance. Endless happiness.

I am riding this crashing wave out daily. And honestly it feels like I am caught in the riptide more often than not.

I need to start flowing with the current, rather than swimming against it.

Flowing it all together and start creating a beautiful and thriving (second half) of my life.

And then I ask myself, Is it ikigai?

Ummm, say whaat?
If you don’t already know, Ikigai is the essence of living a meaningful and fulfilled life.

It goes like this… Each individual has a unique combination of elements that contribute to their overall well-being and happiness. Discovering and embracing one's ikigai allows for a harmonious balance of passion, mission, vocation, and profession.

The term "ikigai" is a fusion of two Japanese words: "iki" meaning life or being alive, and "gai" meaning worth or value. It essentially represents the reason for existence, the driving force that fills our days with purpose and enthusiasm.

Do I feel valued with what I am currently doing?
The answer is unfortunately No.

Diving Deeper

4 main keys or principles have to be considered.

Passion: Ikigai recognizes that deep inside each of us lies a burning passion, a pure love for something that sparks our curiosity and ignites our souls. It is a source of joy and fulfillment that transcends time and provides a sense of purpose.

Mission: A sense of mission gives us a direction, a clear path to follow. It entails understanding the values we hold dear and using them to make a positive impact on the world around us. Our mission aligns our passions with the greater good and contributes to a sense of fulfillment in our lives.

Vocation: Ikigai suggests that our innate talents, skills, and abilities should be utilized in a way that benefits both ourselves and others. It involves finding a vocation, a profession or role that harnesses our natural abilities, allowing us to thrive and grow while making a meaningful contribution to society.

Profession: The final component of ikigai revolves around the practical aspect of life. It acknowledges the importance of sustaining oneself financially and finding a profession that provides security and stability. While not always directly linked to one's passion or mission, the profession should still be fulfilling and align with one's values. (This is my. missing link)

Discovering ikigai involves a personal journey of introspection and self-reflection.

The journey is REAL.

We need to be identifying and nurturing and continuously redefining the things that make us come alive, things that allow us to thrive, things that bring meaning to our lives. It is a never ending process of exploring our passions, understanding our values, and aligning them with our daily actions.

To find our ikigai, we must be open-minded and allow ourselves to explore new opportunities and experiences. It requires stepping outside our comfort zone.

And babes, trust me, I am outside of my comfort zone on the day to day! With an empty bank account, and a million passions.

So, as I ebb and flow, in and out, with ideas and ways to create ikigai within my life, for my future, stay outta my lane, or buckle up, because I am about to go allll in 😂 and we are about to go for a wild ride! zoom zoom, my beautiful bitches!

As I continue to ebb and flow into the future with the resparking of my reiki path and all things energy, tarot and oracle and all the amazing mystical shit, deep daily meditations, some serious sage burning and affirmations, bringing back the energetic and high vibe bodycare side of the business (yep! and I am so excited about this!!), and adding a holistic the side back into health and fitness and nutrition that I took out years ago (you know, to be professional 🙄), I am feeling pretty good about the future.

Because my current reality is that not being able to buy my own coffee halfway through the month with my paycheck is pretty fucking embarrassing. That needs to change immediately. I am worth way more than that. WAY more.

So, cheers to ikigai and ebbing and flowing and and waves crashing beautifully all around all things ahead!

Here we fucking goooooooooooooooo!

Stay Rooted✌🏼🌱


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