Let Strange Things Grow

Letting Strange Things Grow In a world that prioritizes conformity and sameness.

The idea of letting strange things grow might initially seem unsettling. We are accustomed to tending to our carefully curated lives. Everytime we pick up our phones, we are encouraged to quite literally repeat what we are seeing on social media. Over and over again. And if we are not “doing” it ourselves, thousands of other people are doing it and we are mindlessly watching it. Those reels on Tiktoc and instagram that you are seeing on repeat all day long, with the same sound clips, yeah that is conformity. It is mindlessness. (I know I sound ancient!) But, hear me out, what if we were to break free from these “norms” and allow the unconventional and strange to flourish? What wonders might we discover in the untamed wilderness of our existence? What if our days were not cultivated FOR us? What if we just followed our hearts, and embraced our own weirdness?

I recently read an article on how american houses were becoming flavorless, and boring carbon copies of one another because of all the home renovation influences out there.

Real talk: Does your house look like Marshalls barfed it up? 👀🤷🏼‍♀️

Ok, so don’t get me wrong, I am no home decorator AND I fucking love me some Marshalls time! And honestly, I am really glad that there is finally one here in my town AND that I have an affordable place to grab things here and there for my home. However, how sad and boring my everyday life would be without the weird little things, that spark joy - like my new yard sale find, my amazing new-to-me squid whisk.

Maybe this little cephalopod originally came from a Marshalls or Ross, I don’t know. I do know that it’s a little weird and a little strange and that’s why I love it so much! And it came from a good friends moving sale, so I get to lovingly remember her whenever I use it after she goes on her grand adventure! She too, is a little strange. Like me. Like us.

Embracing the strange

Allowing room for the unusual and the peculiar to flourish can lead to soul happiness. We are often encumbered by the fear of the unknown, the unfamiliar, and the peculiar. Yet, it is precisely in these unexplored territories that true innovation and creativity spring forth, like a mural of house plants bursting through the top of a woman’s head, painted on the wall. It checks some of the boxes: it’s unexpected, it’s unusual, it’s beautiful, it’s not boring.

By actively seeking out and nurturing the strange ideas, interests, and perspectives that reside within ourselves and others, we open ourselves up to a world of endless possibilities. Without these things, life is unseasoned. It’s bland boiled chicken.

Letting strange things grow

Letting these strange things and ideas grow requires a pretty dramatic shift in perspective for some people. Instead of viewing strangeness as threatening, we can choose to see it as an opportunity for growth and enrichment. Ahhh growth mindset ♥️ When we let go of preconceived notions and societal expectations, we create space for the authentic expression of our individuality and the exploration of uncharted territories. It is in these spaces that unique talents, quirky passions, and extraordinary ideas can flourish, bringing forth a richness that is so desperately needed in our increasingly sterile, and dare I say, conformist, world.

Our lives should not look like sterile rows of weedless monsanto unicrops.

They should be more like wild and lusty diverse gardens with wildflowers and weeds and bees and birds and bugs and worms and snails and trees and plants chickens and dirt and energy and bursting with abundance.

Embrace the snail. They are fucking weird. lol

Lets Get Strange

Ok, maybe not in the way Portland has taken it. Lets NOT poop in the streets. Lets not walk around the streets with our dicks in our hands. We don’t have to let the words weird and strange be a negative thing because Portland fucked up. When was the last time someone told you you were weird? (ok, but NOT in a Jeffrey Dahmer I just want to take your picture kinda way 👀). well, fuck, I digress.

Anyways, (aside from a few obvious scenarios, lol,) letting strange things grow in your life can be refreshing and beautiful.

I hope that you find something wonderful and wildly strange that opens up and speaks loudly and passionately to your heart and soul this week.

I hope that you let your wildly beautiful and creative weird and strange side grow this week. (but not the JD side, keep that wrapped up 😂)

And I hope that you find the freedom within to fully embrace all of it!

Stay Rooted✌🏼🌱


Psst, have you heard the one about Earthing?


Ebbing and Flowing…. and Ikigai