The 7 of Inspiration

I am pretty much in LOVE with Chris-Anne at this point in my life. I use 3 of her decks regularly as my main tarot/oracle decks. I have The Muse, The Sacred Oracle, and The Light Seers Tarot. I use all three of them as daily inspiration. I have a super cluttered mind most of the time and I compartmentalize things in order to keep things straight. Thus the 3 decks. One for specifically for my relationships and personal life - The Light Seers; one specifically for my business shenanigans - The Sacred Creators Oracle; and one that floats within the beautiful space of wherever I need it to be on any particular day - The Muse. Rightly named.

I have made reading cards part of my daily ritual and honestly I would be lost without it. Not because I think the cards are necessarily magic in the traditional smoke and mirrors kinda way… but because they ground me and help me focus and help me see things that I might otherwise be missing in my day to day. They force me to look deeper into my soul. They force me to look at truth. They help me focus inwardly, connect with source (the universe) and shut down all the chatter of the outside material world. So, that is kinda magical, though, isn’t it? Maybe mystical is a better word. Either way.

I own quite a few oracle and tarot card decks, and I dust them off regularly. Some are pretty, some are dark, some are plain, some are simple, and one is handmade. But none of them speak to me quite like these 3 aforementioned decks. Maybe there is magic in the number 3. Maybe they are all just too good to put back on the shelf. Maybe I am just crazy 👀. I ebb and flow a lot! So it will be interesting to see how long I stay with these decks as my mainstays. I do like pretty and shiny and new…so we’ll see what happens when a new carrot is dangled.

Anyway, today I pulled a card from my Muse deck that inspired me to look deeper. It is the 7 of Inspiration. This particular deck does not have the typical minor arcana. Instead of wands, cups, swords, and pentacles, it has inspiration, emotions, voices, and materials.

I wasn’t sure I would actually like this deviation from tradition when I initially purchased it. For whatever reason, it works really well for me. And it is a refreshing to look at things in a different light. It opens up more doors to reflect upon and search deeper into myself.

The actual card is rather simple compared to the some of the other cards in the deck. Lots of black with warm sunrisey hues of red, orange, yellow glowing from the middle, (exactly like the sunrise I saw this morning on the way to my 5:30am bjj class!) A woman pushing the blackness apart to let the fiery hues shine through. A light shines both from behind or out of the hues, and from above the blackness, prism-ing.

Looking for further meaning, I dive deeper and look into the mini tarot book (btw, can we please get larger books made for card decks? anyone?? hay house? help an old lady out!)

So the book talks a lot about the 7 of Inspiration wavering, protecting inner their light, dealing with other peoples negative opinions, and protecting energy. Not quite what I thought looking at the card by itself.

So, looking deeper still…

I am kinda blown away by the messages that I seriously needed to hear and reflect on today.

Here are a few snippets and quotes from the (tiny👀) book:

“Some simply don’t understand her unique glow'“

“Some have mindsets about success that confuse their own fragile feelings about what they don’t have with how they feel about her.”

“Her fires begin to dim.”

“Then she remembers that RISING UP can sometimes mean others will not agree”

“She breathes in.”

“Do not be dimmed.”

Yeah. There is a lot there for me to unpack and open my heart to.

This card was pulled for direction. As in, am I going in the right direction? Should I keep going in the direction I cam heading?

I am very aware that this radically new direction I am taking with my business is risky.

It does not follow the norm. People don’t and won’t understand what the hell I am doing.

“Ummm. Wait. You want to make what?? Fitness Tarot cards??? Ok, ya fucking weirdo.”

I am ok with that.

I do best when I follow my heart, and not the pack. I know this.

I forget that it is a lonely road, sometimes.

Regardless, I will travel it.

It is my road. I am claiming it.

And I KNOW I will have amazing people walk with me in pure love on this grand journey into the unknown, and some will travel with me just to judge the journey. And that is ok.

“Then she remembers that RISING UP can sometimes mean others will not agree”

And it didn’t matter what others thought…

She rose the fuck up anyways ✨

Stay Rooted✌🏼🌱


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